

[发布日期:2009-03-30] 来源:陈浪/编辑  作者: [字体: ]




按常规将有很多研讨会以及座谈会,其目的是为影院主们提供行业内经营实践和新技术这两方面的更进一步的了解。详细日程安排可在会议官方网站查询,其中两场研讨会将吸引庞大的人群,一个是由NATO主持的,针对自筹资金获取数字影院技术方面的问题,由金融专家向影院主们给出正方两方面建议。 另一个是由行业领先的放映商们组成的座谈会,其主要议题为:面对行业未来的挑战如何做到未雨绸缪。


ShoWest 2009: The Preview

Submitted by Nick Dager on Tue, 03/10/2009 - 03:14.

Self-Financing, 3D and Staying Ahead of the Curve

This is certainly no time for the faint of heart in the exhibition business. On the one hand, the overall economy is more problematic than it’s been in most anyone’s memory. On the other hand, box office returns remain solid and the summer of 3D holds out the promise of even greater business. The challenge is to find the right way for your business to balance the two. Attendees at this year’s ShoWest convention, which begins at the end of this month in Las Vegas, will be looking for information on how best to meet that challenge.

As usual there will be many seminars and panel discussions at the event designed to offer exhibitors insights into both business practices and new technology. Details on all the scheduled events can be found on the convention’s website. Two are likely to draw sizable crowds. One, hosted by the National Association of Theatre Owners, is a panel of financial experts who will be on hand to give exhibitors advice on the pros and cons of self-financing the acquisition of digital cinema technology. A second is a panel of leading exhibitors who will tackle the topic “How to Stay Ahead of the Curve as the Industry Confronts the Future.

There will also be social gatherings, screenings and a host of awards.

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