
《战略特勤组》昨全国热映 观众提炼其经典对白

[发布日期:2011-07-12] 来源:腾讯娱乐  作者: [字体: ]

腾讯娱乐讯 昨日,全国各大影院上映的好莱坞影片《战略特勤组》,在每场放映结束后都能听到观众纷纷的议论声。不少观众就影片核心内容“道德”与“价值”,还在网络发表了自己的理解观点。结合上周《战略特勤组》的铁杆网友看片会反应,此片除了稍有劲爆的精彩镜头外,故事内容获得了较高的评价。更是有热心的影迷观片回家后,根据影片内容,提炼出了最具有代表性的经典对白。

The suspect is being tortured. This is unconstitutional.

If those bombs go off , there will be no fucking Constitution!


We have values.

And our values have cost us how many lives?


The winner gets to take the moral high ground , because they get to write the history books.The loser just loses.


You can’t do this! We are fucking human beings! Let the bomb go off! We cannot do this!


I’m here because I want to be here! I let myself be caught because I’m not a coward. I chose to meet my oppressors face to face!


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